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30 September

Riesachfälle - Riesachsee
Rohrmoos-Untertal - Schladminger Tauern - Styria - AUSTRIA
See more of my photos at: SKREINER.COM

23 September

Sölkpass ( 1788 m) - Hornfeldspitze (2277 m) - Styria | AUSTRIA
The pass road was buit in 1954, but the way is used since about 3200 years (since bronze age), also a Roman road existed.
See more of my photos at: SKREINER.COM


22 September

Sölkpass ( 1788 m) - Deneck (2433 m) - Styria | AUSTRIA
The pass road was buit in 1954, but the way is used since about 3200 years (since bronze age), also a Roman road existed.
See more of my photos at: SKREINER.COM

Sölkpass ( 1788 m) - Nageleck (2155 m) - Styria | AUSTRIA
The pass road was buit in 1954, but the way is used since about 3200 years (since bronze age), also a Roman road existed.
See more of my photos at: SKREINER.COM

20 September

Grasslhöhle - Dürntal / Passail - Weiz - Styria | AUSTRIA
- ist die älteste Schauhöhle Österreichs seit dem 18. Jhdt. mit bis zu 100.000 Jahre alten Tropfsteinen.
- is the oldest show cave in Austria since the 18th century with up to 100,000-year-old stalactites.
See more of my photos at: SKREINER.COM

15 September

Eurasian Eagle-Owl  (Bubo bubo) - Uhu
Hibou grand-duc - Búho real - Bufo-real - Gufo reale
The Eurasian Eagle-owl is the largest owl.
wingspan 160–200 cm (63–79 in)

Greifvogelwarte Riegersburg - Styria / AUSTRIA
See more of my photos at: SKREINER.COM

14 September

Riegersburg - Styria / AUSTRIA - Europe
See more of my photos at: SKREINER.COM

Harris Hawk   (Parabuteo unicinctus) - Wüstenbussard
Buse de Harris - Busardo de Harris - Poiana di Harris
Gavião-asa-de-telha  -  Пустынный канюк - モモアカノスリ

Greifvogelwarte Riegerburg - Styria / AUSTRIA
See more of my photos at: SKREINER.COM